Thursday, March 11, 2010


So here's the deal: I'm a Princeton undergrad cooking for myself as I finish up my last two years here. I'm all about whipping up some healthy, delicious grub in the name of the joy of cooking.

Cooking in college isn't glamorous-- I share a communal kitchen that's located outside of the building I'm living in (makes for some fun in the winter), I store all of my cooking supplies in a big bin under my bed, and I have no counter space to speak of. But there are some major pluses: I love cooking, am not subject to the whim of the dinning hall chefs, and save a lot of money by not buying a meal plan. Plus, I'm a vegetarian-- what better way to make sure I'm eating what I want to eat than by preparing it myself?

So follow along, and I'll share with you the tricks of cooking your way through college.

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