Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pi Day

Happy pi day! Being the nerdy baker that I am, I got this pi cookie cutter in my stocking this Christmas. And speaking of cookies... I have a tip for finding top cookie recipes. My greatest success has always been with the recipes printed on the back of baking ingredients. I mean, it makes sense... is there a better way to successfully sell your product than to hook your customers with a very tasty cookie recipe?

My two favorites are the oatmeal raisin cookie recipe from Quaker Oats found here and the toffee oatmeal cookie recipe from Hersey's found here (I don't use the optional coconut and I sometimes throw in some chocolate chips-- do as you like). Remember... the cookies will taste just as delicious with cheaper ingredients -- you don't have to stick with the brand name products that the cookie recipes call for.

Just a note about cookies-- there are substitutions that you can make to "healthify" cookies so that you're not just spooning sugar and fat into your mouth (applesauce instead of butter for example, artificial sweetener... which might be poison, instead of sugar). But I'm a proponent of baking the real deal and sticking to moderate cookie consumption (and infrequently) versus compromising texture and taste for something "healthier". One substitution I would recommend: play with a mixture of whole wheat and white flour. The whole wheat flour will give cookies a nice satisfying heartiness.

Cook a batch of cookies to celebrate a birthday. It's an easy treat to whip up and fun to share with your friends. And as college students are use to the preservative packed, month old, plastic covered cookies sold at the university convenience store, a homemade, straight-out-of-the -oven cookie will hit the spot.
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